
Armadito Agent is the interface between Armadito plugin for GLPI and Antiviruses installed on managed computers. This agent basically provides a set of tasks that can be executed at any time :

  • Enrollment : new agent ID assignation or re-assignation.
  • GetJobs : get available jobs for this agent.
  • RunJobs : run jobs with a given priority and post results to GLPI.
  • State : get antivirus status and send it to GLPI.
  • Scan : on-demand scan and send results to GLPI.
  • Alerts : check for virus alerts and send it to GLPI.
  • AVConfig : manage antiviruses” configurations


You can also find a fully detailed documentation on CPAN.

CPAN documentation also includes binary usage description that you can also get by using –help option on computer where agent is installed.