

It is here possible to know which antivirus detects more viruses in your IT infrastructure. While it is not the initial purpose, it could be used as a realtime antiviruses comparison tool. You can also detects what kind of virus has spread the most.

For now, there is three charts :

  • AlertsByVirusNameChart : shows alerts repartition by threat name
  • LastAlertsChart : shows alerts traffic of last hours
  • AlertsByAntivirusChart : shows alerts repartition by antivirus name


That section is where centralized alerts can be monitored. For example, you can search for some specific alerts coming from multiple antiviruses, from multiple operating systems. Furthermore, you can manipulate these alerts by removing/restoring them as you wish.

More features will be easy to add because of the way «massive actions» are implemented in GLPI. We could later imagine features like sending a group of alerts by email, etc.